I went to elementary school in the Netherlands in the early 1960s and high school in Belgium in the early 1970s. These countries were beautiful and idillic. Now they are FUBAR. what happened?

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Honestly, it goes beyond my comprehension why governments would want to use baby gloves on criminals and Jihadis while jailing independently thinking citizens. It is very painful to watch how Western European countries have gotten into self-destruct mode. But we can remain confident that the majority are not aligned with this, so it will inevitably reach a tipping point.

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Government policies, motivated by commitments at the European level, forced many Dutch farms to close. Yet 'environmental' non-profit Greenpeace wants more attacks on the food supply chain. They filed a lawsuit claiming that the Dutch government is not doing enough to meet its nitrogen emission targets. A judge ruled in favour of Greenpeace, which if acted upon, will cause further farms to close:


Present Western European governments seem to be committed to transform their economies to tourism-centric ones. However, as long as they keep acting as safe spaces for Jihadis, one can only wonder for how long foreigners will want to travel there. Even more so if they no longer produce the delicacies they are famous for. Instead of countering imaginary 'climate' emergencies, they may consider acting on very real Jihad emergencies.

The right action for the Dutch government to take in this case, is to renegotiate 'climate' targets. Let's see if they do so. As I argued above, we are past Peak Bias and many signals can be observed that attest to that. However, Western European governments are typically slow to catch up with reality and Peak Bias is no exception. It may take another year for the Return to Reason to pick up speed there as well.

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Today is another day to deliver an example of extreme bias and dishonesty. Pretending to care for "coastal communities, businesses, and beachgoers" and the "fishing and tourism industries" along American seashores, the Biden administration just banned all offshore oil and gas drilling in US waters:


If they had any respect for coastal communities, marine life or the tourism and fishing industries, they would have banned offshore wind farms, that contaminate the ocean floor in a much denser grid than oil rigs, are infinitely worse eyesores and, as opposed to oil spills, are a continuous threat to marine life by producing constant vibrations in breeding grounds for whales, cod, scallops, lobster and many other species.

Instead, we need to first invest into reliable, energy-dense, on shore power generation and critically analyze which other energy sources we really need. Offshore wind is not one of them, and should be banned as soon as its supply is not critical.

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Merely a day into the new year and further signs of the Return to Reason gearing up:

- Morgan Stanley is the next major financial institution to leave the Net Zero banking alliance:


- The University of Alberta gives up on "polarizing" DEI:


We will return to objective standards. It is inevitable.

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